Monday, July 1, 2013

Coming Home

There are few things I despise as much as coming home from a trip. I usually get a little bit cranky on the way home. Last year on the way home from Lake Shasta one of my best friends said something like “I love how you get so cranky just because you want to stay here.” I started laughing and was surprised she knew me so well.
I just got home from camp with Young Life. After a week of tears, giggling, love, opening up, and watching transformation begin coming home feels so mundane. I am bored. I am having a hard time transitioning back.When you are removed from your circumstances God is giving you a very unique gift. You might not realize it as it is happening, but God is allowing you to see things differently. To realize things aren’t so black and white. When you go to a different state you see how completely different their truth is. Which makes you wonder what is even truth anyways. Leaving Orange County I am free from the bondage of make up and the pressures to be prettier. I get to go away and be me. I got to live life with good friends and wonderful girls. My eyes are open to God’s heart. He helped me see life more of how He sees it. 

He is constantly calling us home to Him. We are too busy. We have ministry to do, friends to entertain, tv shows to get caught up with. We waste our days ignoring our Creator trying to be someone we think we should be. Be still. Come Home. Home is not so much a place as it is being your true self with God. The interesting thing about the Christian journey is how much of it has to do with us. Jesus is crazy about us. He wants to be our Everything. He desires to really live life with us. He wants to set us free from the lies of this world. 

When you choose to really walk with Him you are constantly being transformed and remade. This is not some overnight process. We need to be awake to the God who interrupts our perfectly planned days. Do not ignore his love. Do not sell yourself short. Do not settle with the sin that fills your life. You are worth so much more than that. You are of infinite value to your Creator. God is trying to get your attention. Stop and listen. Do not let the things around you distract you.

There is one thing I am absolutely sure of. God is always speaking to us. Maybe it is just not how we expect Him to speak. Maybe it is like trying to hear your friend whisper in a loud room. This world is loud and noisy, constantly drowning out the Voice of God. Listen to Him speak through your friends, your bible, music, or just sitting still in nature. God is a lot closer to us than we think and His love will never leave you. Are you listening to Him today? What does He want to say to you?  Get off the computer or your phone and go be with your God. He loves you more than anybody else and I promise you is worth your time.